What should ACER priorities be in 2013?
Wednesday 6 June, 12:30 – 15:30 CET
ACER Offices, Trg republike 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia
By 30 June each year, the Director of ACER prepares a draft work programme of the Agency for the following year. The Work Programme is then approved by the Board of Regulators and adopted by the Administrative Board by the 30 September.
The Agency is currently developing the draft Work Programme for 2013, in line with its mission and responsibilities and the energy policy objectives of the European Union.
The Agency will present its preliminary thinking on its Work Programme for 2013 to all interested parties during a public workshop organised on Wednesday 6 June 2012 in Ljubljana.
Participants in the workshop will be able to express their views and share their opinions on which areas the Agency should focus its effort on next year.
If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please register below by 12 noon on Friday 1 June, CET.